안녕하세요 펭귄 교수입니다. 오랜만에 글을 작성하네요. 거두절미하고 바로 본론으로 가죠 원문은 아래와 같습니다. 더보기 Steam version v0.2.0.6 has been released. ▼New Content ・Implemented the first Raid Boss ⤷ You can summon Raid Boss Pals by using slabs at the new Summoning Altar ⤷ Raid Boss Pals summoned by slabs are very powerful and can not be captured. Work alongside your base Pals to take on these powerful foes. ⤷ Pals Eggs can drop after de..
안녕하세요 펭귄 교수입니다. 패치 이후 이틀이 지나서 패치노트가 나와 소개드립니다. 더보기 Steam version v0.1.5.1 has been released. Patch Notes: === ▼Major Fixes ・Fixed various game crashes ▼Balance Adjustment ・Fixed a bug where breeding Pals always had fixed passives ・Fixed an issue where the increase in condensation progress was incorrect when using Pal of rank 2 or higher as a condensation material (it will increas..
안녕하세요 펭귄 교수입니다. 2월 27일로 패치노트가 나와 공유드립니다. 더보기 Steam version v0.1.5.0 has been released. Patch Notes: === ▼Major Fixes ・Implemented backup of save data on the world selection screen ・Resolved issue of unnecessary data accumulating in save data ▼Key Configuration ・Added fully supported keyboard key configuration ▼Guild ・Modified specification to allow guild members to be removed when not lo..
안녕하세요 펭귄교수입니다. 이번에 전해드릴 소식은 패치 소식입니다. 더보기 [Patch Notice] ・Steam patch v0.1.4.1 ・Xbox patch v0.1.1.4 Steam version v0.1.4.1 has been released. Xbox version v0.1.1.4 has been released. Patch Notes: === ▼Major Fixes ・Fixed an issue where the game would always crash and save data would be corrupted when the total number of Pals captured by the guild reached approximately 7000. ・In the previo..
안녕하세요 펭귄 교수입니다. 오늘 2024년 2월 1일 오후 12시경에 새로운 업데이트 패치가 올라왔습니다. 직접 플레이하면서도 여러 변화를 느꼈는데요 직접 보면서 알아보겠습니다. 더보기 [Patch Notice] ・Steam patch v0.1.4.0 ・Xbox patch v0.1.1.3 Steam version v0.1.4.0 has been released. (Xbox version v0.1.1.3 will be released as soon as it is ready) Patch Notes: === ▼Major Fixes ・Fixed an issue where the game would crash under certain conditions ・Fixed an issue where if anothe..
원문 더보기 Update has been released. Changes are as follows: === ▼Main changes ・Fixed a bug where the loading screen did not end when logging into the world ・Fixed a bug where the world date was not displayed correctly and appeared to reset. ・Corrected various incorrect text ・Countermeasures against various cheats and exploits === We will continue to place top priority on fixing major issues. Thank ..