[팰월드] 업데이트 패치 v0.2.0.6! 드디어 나온 레이드, 새 콘텐츠
안녕하세요 펭귄 교수입니다. 오랜만에 글을 작성하네요. 거두절미하고 바로 본론으로 가죠 원문은 아래와 같습니다. 더보기 Steam version v0.2.0.6 has been released. ▼New Content ・Implemented the first Raid Boss ⤷ You can summon Raid Boss Pals by using slabs at the new Summoning Altar ⤷ Raid Boss Pals summoned by slabs are very powerful and can not be captured. Work alongside your base Pals to take on these powerful foes. ⤷ Pals Eggs can drop after de..